Marketing Materials
I can help you do all that with concise texts—from firm profiles to project descriptions—that let clients know why they should talk to you.
Project-winning proposals focus on the client’s goals and vision for the project—and demonstrate that you have the creativity, team and experience to realize them. I can help you shape that response, beginning with the initial strategy and going all the way through to the cover letter, to make sure your argument is on-point and registers with the client.
White Papers
Set your firm apart from your competition by showing leadership in building types where you excel. I will help you create white papers that describe your depth of knowledge and quality of innovation. They will be part of your basic library of marketing materials, for use as newsletters, leave behinds and on your website.
Award Submissions
Judges look for entries whose photographs, to-the-point text and drawings mutually support the project’s award-worthy features. I will help assemble your submissions so that every important feature is fully evident and documented.
Your most public marketing vehicle should be your most effective one. Start first with a strategy that determines what’s important to say and the ways to say it—and then looks at its design. It’s like starting with the project’s program—and then designing the building to house it. I will help you develop a website that engages clients and let them get to know your firm—and how you can help them.