Getting stuck happens to many design firms. It can happen to young firms trying to grow and to older practices that’ve lost their drive. Income levels out, the client list isn’t growing, and the kind of work you’d hoped for isn’t coming your way.
Try as you might, things don’t change. And while it’s obvious that you should do something different, you aren’t sure what that is or you resist taking the steps.
So what to do? First be honest about how important getting unstuck is. Because it usually means stepping out of your comfort zone. (If change was something you were comfortable with, you would have done it already.)
Then consider the culture of your firm and what it will take to change what no longer works. Outline a vision of the firm you want to have and compelling messages to motivate staff. Then create an implementation plan that anticipates the long term effort to switch direction. Finally, acknowledge if you are committed to change in your gut.
If so, go for it.